God bless you and thank you for your time and your commitment to gather together at this online house of prayer, standing together with others in faith, believing God. Praying His perfect will be done, His beautiful love shared for all, with great glory to His Holy Name.

Mathew 18:20 (NET)
"For where two or three are assembled in my name, I am there among them."


  • Pray for Beth as she deals with nerve back pain: For healing, wisdom from her doctors, and her perseverance.
  • Praise to God! Our upcoming events in Atlanta and Tennessee are sold out!
  • Pray for our conference in Atlanta this month. Pray for the health and safety of our staff as we travel, that the conference will run smoothly, and that the attendees will draw closer to the Lord. 
  • Pray for our Align participants this month, that they will grow in prayer and in fellowship with Jesus Christ.

We are grateful for each of you spending time interceding for Beth and the Living Proof team! We know God is listening and on the move.


Prayer Hour

Image of the Living Proof Ministries building exterior, colonial-style architecture wiht two-tone brick and creamy-white facade surrounded by trimmed shrubbery and flowering trees.

Every second and fourth Tuesday of each month, between 12 and 1 p.m., we open the doors to the ministry office to pray over any woman or girl. Beth and the Living Proof team split up in pairs to meet and pray confidentially with those who join us that day. 

Because our team is really small, we have to do this by reservation only. We hope this also helps those of you planning to stop by during your lunch break. 

Reserve your prayer time slot here

Please know the women in the office care so much about you already. We want you to know this is a safe place to bring your requests for intercession.

For those of you who are not in the Houston area, we're going to keep the option to call in for prayer! Our prayer phone line will also be open between 12 and 1 p.m. CST every second and fourth Tuesday of each month. Call (281) 257-3344 and just let them know you're calling for Prayer Hour. 

Every second and fourth Tuesday of each month between 12 and 1 p.m. (by reservation only).